Metallum Metal Trading AG
International trade
International trading business and the marketing of non-ferrous metals is conducted by Metallum Metal Trading AG.
- 1948: The family business founded by Jakob Dietiker senior starts trading in scrap in Zurich-Affoltern painstakingly growing operations into a viable business.
- 1958: The generational change: thanks to new ideas and cutting-edge business policy, Jakob Dietiker junior is able to expand the scope of operations significantly and to increase turnover.
- 1970: In order to keep pace with rising trade volumes, additional companies are founded to trade in non-ferrous semi-finished metals and commodity futures. Due to the growing foreign operations, subsidiaries are set up in Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy.
- 1980 bis 2000: Equity stakes are acquired in the largest Swiss cable recycling works and in other Swiss metal recycling firms, while a company is set up to provide disposal services in the area of electrical and electronic waste. This is followed by the takeover of a scrap metal dealer in the United Arab Emirates, as well as most recently the purchase of a stake in a renowned German company.
- 2007: Following further acquisitions of specialist companies, the sale of the electronic waste business and additional restructuring, in 2007 the Group is acquired by Metallum Holding S.A., Luxemburg, a portfolio company of ALPHA Private Equity Funds, along with Metallo-Chimique N.V., Beerse (Belgium).
- 2009: To reflect the new ownership structure and the internationalisation of the trading business, the Dietiker Group is renamed Metallum Group. The international trading company is given the name Metallum Metal Trading AG.
- 2015: A leading corporate group in the Swiss metal recycling sector is created: with the takeover by the Thommen Group, a Swiss family business, on 1 September 2015 a new chapter is opened in the history of Metallum.
Metallum Metal Trading AG
Althardstrasse 345
8105 Regensdorf
T: +41 (0)44 871 44 44
E-Mail: regensdorf@metallum.com